Miley Cyrus Börjar Bli Ett Wild Child!

'At first Miley’s mom, Tish, got upset when people would tell her her daughter was being wild, but now she’s realizing it herself. We’re concerned for her.

She’s 17-years-old, but is the one who makes the money and calls all the shots in the family. No one tells Miley no. & even if they did, she’s so charismatic that she’d convince them to change their minds.

She’s a sweet girl at heart, but she’s starting to push the envelope. Between the fast-paced lifestyle and her new ‘image,’ everyone is saying that it’s just a matter of time before she ends up in trouble. We do not want her to be next Lindsay Lohan, but the odds are against her.'

'Odds Are Against Miley Cyrus'

Du måste skärpa dig Miley!! Tänk på dina fans!


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